Lone Star College-North Harris 

HHM Hispanic Heritage Month 2018
Lone Star College-North Harris 
2700 W.W. Thorne Drive
Houston, Texas 77073 

Lone Star College-Greenspoint
250 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Houston, Texas 77060-2009 

Lone Star College-Victory Center
4141 Victory Drive
Houston, Texas 77088 ​
LASO-NH Meets Every
Thursday 2p-3p
ACAD 220
Everyone is welcome.
Upcoming events:
Upcoming Events
More Hispanic Heritage Month Events

HHM Kick Off

Tuesday Sept. 18, 1pm - 1:50 pm North Harris Library, 2nd Floor.

Join LASO, faculty, and staff for a presentation of Latino Literature and a ribbon cutting for our annual display of Latino Literature. Reception to follow with soft drinks and bites.
Additional ribbon cuttings:

Monday. September 17 Noon - 12:50 Victory Center lobby.

Monday September 17 1:30- 2:20 Greenspoint Center lobby. 

Additional Events:

Loteria with LASO 
Everyone is welcome to experience several rounds of "Loteria". This is a beloved past time in Mexico. Find out how it is similar to Bingo, but also very different. You might win some prizes. You will make new friends. #LASO

2pm - 3pm Thurs Sept. 13 at North Harris ACAD 222
2pm - 3pm Tues September 18 at Greenspoint 306.
2pm - 3pm Wed. September 19 at Victory 102.

Latina Poetry Cafe
Here Poet Jasminne Mendez
Noon - 1pm Wednesday September 19. ACAD 126
In conjunction with Diversity Initiatives, Women’s Resource Center

What's up with American Immigration?

Tuesday, September 18, Noon – 1pm North Harris ACAD 126:
Panel with Immigration Lawyer Carolina Ortuzar-Diaz, a partner at Monty & Ramirez LLC. Brought to you by the Civic Engagement Committee & LASO.

Movies with LASO: In partnership with the LSC-NH Library
Enjoy a screening of the Film "Pride and Prejudice", part of the Latino Americans PBS Film-Series. This provide a glimpse of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement and its influence on the U.S. 

11:30 - 12:30 Wed. September 26 at Victory 102.
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Tues September 26 at Greenspoint 306.
2pm - 3pm Thurs Sept. 27 at North Harris ACAD 222

Civic Engagement: Voter Registration table
LASO members will provide information about voting. They can also register new voters on the spot. Find out more about the upcoming November elections. You can also find out how to become a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar.

11:30 - 12:30 Wed. September 24 at Victory lobby.
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Tues September 24 at Greenspoint Lobby.
2pm - 3pm Thurs Sept. 25 at North Harris, Court Yard

Who Should We Welcome, What Should We Do? A Deliberative Dialogue.
Noon – 1pm Thursday, Oct. 9, SSB 205. Brought to you by the Civic Engagement Committee & LASO.

For more info:

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with LASO