Committees and Instructions: : LASO Letras
Lone Star College-North Harris 

LASO Letras Blog
The LASO Letras Blog goes from basic to brilliant as needed. We'll post everything ranging from the agenda to our next meeting to action items for a particular event. 

We'll also post those deep thoughts triggered in your head after a great History lecture, or maybe the poem inspired by listening to one of our visiting authors.  

So come back often or updates and submit your ideas sooner than later.

Committees and Instructions:

by Team LASO on 08/26/14

Committees and Instructions: (August 26, 2014)

These are listed in order of importance and should be filled in this order:



Event Coordinators: Priority position. We need one for each event on our calendar, starting with the one taking place first.

Understand the event.

Promote the event.

Create flyer

Prepare email out.

Prepare social media: Facebook, twitter, Instagram

Room set up.

Prop set up (in the case of pan dulce dates-order, pick up, and display pan dulce.)


LASO Meeting Scribe:

Write out Action Items

Create draft for agenda for next meeting.

Finalize agenda for next meeting.

Email, post, and print agenda for next meeting.



Create Sign in sheet.

Pass out sign in sheet.

Collect sign in sheet.

Log names, student numbers, email, and social media, on to a form for SGA.

Create a list of just emails.

Send list to Communications rep, and Faculty Advisor.

Make sure that a sign up sheet is passed out at every meeting.

Update the list after every meeting.

Update list of members.

Update list of just emails.

Update list of full contact info.



Send out agenda to list of members.

Send out minutes/notes from the meetings to list of members.

Ensure that the FB is posting 5 – 10 posts per week about LASO events, members, or high lights.

Ensure that the LASO Twitter is posting 15 – 25 posts per week.


Check in with Print and Design

Order flyers for event.

Approve flyer for event.

Pick up flyer for event.

Make sure enough copies are made.


Class room visits

Find out who will let LASO attend

Confirm times and dates.

Pick folks to present.

Practice presenting.

Make copies.

Conduct the class room visit.

Report to LASO how it went.


SGA rep: Student Government Ambassador:

Must attend and report on SGA meetings.

Also, must keep LASO current on official group requirements.

Complete Prelim report.

Complete Year end report.




Speaker Ambassador:

Get bios

Get head shot

Get social media info.

Promote visit

Send info regarding how to get to LSC NH room.

Send info regarding parking.

Meet Guest at parking, walk them to the room.



Flyer distribution:


Devise a map for flyer distribution.

For example, North Harris Library: Hand to Diedre: 10 copies

Laso Meeting: 10 copies per active member:

Copies for Prof Diaz Comp II course, Greenspoint: 11

And so  . . .



LSC-NH Staff Ambassador:

Other professors


Other Departements


Social Media Committees


Mexican American Studies Ambassadors:

Which officer positions do we need?


a.)   Lead Organizer

b.)  Associate

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