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Lone Star College-North Harris 

LASO Letras Blog
The LASO Letras Blog goes from basic to brilliant as needed. We'll post everything ranging from the agenda to our next meeting to action items for a particular event. 

We'll also post those deep thoughts triggered in your head after a great History lecture, or maybe the poem inspired by listening to one of our visiting authors.  

So come back often or updates and submit your ideas sooner than later.

LASO Elecciones!

by Team LASO on 03/09/15

April 8th 9AM-10AM in Library 103. Save the date, grease your hair and put on your fanciest attire! Candidates must have attended at least 2 meetings or 2 events. 

LASO will be holding elections for officer positions: 

Treasurer- Maintaining a constant and accurate record of all club financial transactions and leading projects which will help improve the financial position of the club.

Secretary- Maintain all club records, record and keep minutes of all club  meetings, and be familiar with the rules and regulations of the school and SGA

Public Relations-  publicize the activities of the club such as upcoming club meetings, project reports, and notes on members' accomplishments

Reps (SGA and MAS Unidos)- Represent LASO at the SGA meetings and MAS Unidos correspondance. 

I hope your not feeling overwhelmed, the position definitions are simply guidelines and are easy to master. 

I hope to see many dedicated students that day and have many great candidates to vote for! 

Any questions please email me at, or email our Presidenta Nancy Rodriguez at, and please CC one or the other. 

Gracias y si se puede!

Danny Meza, LASO VP 

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