Analysis Guide: A short template : LASO Letras
Lone Star College-North Harris 

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Analysis Guide: A short template

by Team LASO on 12/05/16

Analysis Guide: A template

Identify the following components for the essay you are analyzing:

Title:                ___________________________________

Author:            ___________________________________

Type of argument:       Either 1.) To Convince or 2.) To explore.

Line of argument:  Either 1.) Logo 2.) Pathos 3.) Ethos

Intended audience: Gender, 10 year age span, education level, income.

Claim: ___________________________________


Reason: ___________________________________


Overview: ___________________________________

Combine these elements into complete sentences for your introduction, which can be 3 to 5 sentences.  However, you must mention each component. That is all you need.


Write your introduction on a separate sheet of paper. You next body paragraphs will be focused on the 3 quotations you identified that the author uses to prove the Claim and Reason.


Here is how the quotation should be set up. Use these words before the quotation.:

            In the middle of the essay, the author’s use of (pathos) is evident when she writes, “Quotation.”

            Write out your quotation.

a.     Why did this passage capture your attention?

b.     Circle one specific word that revealed the audience to you.  Write that word here: _______. How did that word reveal the audience to you?  Write out your response.

c.     How is that word an example of the line of argument that you identify?  Write your response.

d.     Which word reveals the claim or reason that you identified?  Write it here: ___________.   Why does that word reveal the claim or reason?

e.     Circle another word in that quotation that reveals the audience to you: _________.

f.      How did that word reveal the audience to you?  Write your response.

g.     How is that word an example of the line of argument that you identify?  Write your response.

h.     How does this quotation fit into the overall essay or short story?

Combine your above responses into complete sentences to create one paragraph of at least 8 lines of analysis.  If you fall short of 8 lines, look for the word or words that further reveal the audience, line of argument, the claim, reason, or even warrants at work.  You can also discuss how certain metaphors or analogies play a role in the argument. 


Follow the above steps, all of them, for your 2nd Quotation and 3rd quotation.



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