Journal Entries : LASO Letras
Lone Star College-North Harris 

LASO Letras Blog
The LASO Letras Blog goes from basic to brilliant as needed. We'll post everything ranging from the agenda to our next meeting to action items for a particular event. 

We'll also post those deep thoughts triggered in your head after a great History lecture, or maybe the poem inspired by listening to one of our visiting authors.  

So come back often or updates and submit your ideas sooner than later.

Journal Entries

by Team LASO on 12/05/16

Journal Entries May Consist of the Following:

  1. In-class quizzes
  2. You may elaborate on in-class quizzes
  3. Rough draft of letters to the editor
  4. Letters to the editor that are published.
  5. Extrapolations on class discussions
  6. Hard concrete descriptions of objects, any objects, yes, any objects, okay, such as: the keys in your pocket, your left shoe, your tooth brush, the next manbag you see, formica.  Write one entry per object.   Or pick your own. 
  7. Analyses of essays from our anthology not discussed in class.
  8. Analysis of arguments from newspapers
  9. Analyses of political arguments, commercials, products
  10. Audience analysis of an event, a publication, or a broadcast, or something else.
  11. Prove that everything is an argument: Describe how specific random objects are arguments, such as: the keys in your pocket, your left shoe, your tooth brush, the next manbag you see, formica.  Write one entry per object.   Or pick your own. 
  12. I will also identify certain in-class exercises or notes as counting towards journal entries.
  13. Analyze the intended audiences for billboards, tv commercials, radio ads, or other products surrounding you.


You can also pitch me a topic.

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